My Thoughts - By Gregory Boyd

 My Thoughts. 

By Gregory Boyd

It is the pursuit of beautiful chords, killer beats, a pioneering spirit, the pursuit of tone science, writing original music, finding personal cover songs, and the connection of people that drives me. I am a lover of traveling and finding people who inspire creative impulses. It is also my love to be at home with family and friends talking and enjoying life to its fullest. Over the years I have developed a sincere love to be out in the world and to go deep into myself and find what makes me tick and I love to be around others who express the same. 

I enjoy speaking to people expressing my experiences and hearing about others' experiences in life. Money and fame have never been my goal. My goal has always been to perform with as many great people as possible and reach the corners of the earth doing so. It's a pursuit that has indeed led me there and continues to arouse, tantalize, and inspire me to keep going and be the engine of my gifts.


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